One Step Beyond Personal Coaching Services

Premium Steps Coaching is for athletes seeking a high level of interaction.
350 dollars per month / 100 dollar startup fee

With OSB's Premium Steps program, we will design your annual training plan (ATP) and your monthly schedules around your time constraints and stated goals. We'll work with you to set realistic expectations. We'll help you make intelligent nutrition decisions. We'll track and redesign your weekly training on an ongoing basis. If geographically possible, your coach will train with you and offer form analysis at least once every few weeks, mutual schedules permitting.

In short, your OSB Coach will be your guide, mentor, and confidante as you make your way to a PR finish. We will work out the details in person or over the phone during our initial consultation. After that, you will receive:

- Initial assessment / biomechanics
- Two (2) hours of personal training time per month (including drive time)
- Discount on TAC-OSB Masters swim team monthly fee
- Summer group triathlon training program
- A detailed seasonal overview (Annual Training Plan) of your training
- A weekly schedule with specific, detailed daily workouts
- Regular review and analysis of heart rate and power data files
- As much email support as you need (client initiated)
- Essentially unlimited phone consultation (client initiated - please don't talk our ear off)
- Detailed feedback from and interaction with your coach
- Race day pacing and nutrition advice
- Post-race reviews
- Ongoing monitoring of your training logs
- 25% discount on additional personal training / technique sessions
- An open invitation to train with your coach if from out of town
- A Trainingpeaks training account

5% 6-month or 3% 3-month prepayment discounts available. Please email Marty a t t osbmultisport dot com to get started today.