The Next Level Newsletter - December 2015
Volume XII, Issue IV
Dear Marty,
We're about to enter a new year! Time to make some resolutions
you won't break until February or so. :)
Don't have time for resolutions? Read our most
recent article on how to use a simple thing like adequate sleep to
help you feel better and race faster in 2016.
We have also released our 2016
clinic schedule.
Running technique and training clinic - February 06
Beginner swim clinics - Jan 31 and April 02
Powerstroke technique swim clinics - March 12 and
October 15
Open water swim clinics - Apr 16, May 15, Jun 11, Jul
10, Aug 20
Please visit this OSB clinic link for
all clinic details, times and locations.
Sleep is a wonderful thing. It lets us recharge and
wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to tackle another
adventure. Or does it?
Your body needs sleep. But many of your are not
getting enough of it. A recent review of data
from the CDC reports that about 35% of adults are not getting enough
sleep. The data from 2009 shows that only about 30% of teens
were getting enough sleep (70% are NOT getting enough).
This information is from a general population review.
When you add in endurance athletics and strength training, you
require even more. This short
article from WebMD explains that, while everyone is different,
athletes in training should add 'about an hour' extra per night.
You can extrapolate this to mean if you're training at an
unusually high level, you made need even more than that.
This article hosted by the Gatorade
Science Institute lists a few more studies showing the impact of
sleep or lack thereof on maximal and sub-maximal performance.
And here is a very descriptive article from the National Institute of
Health about how a lack of sleep affects health via metabolic,
endocrine and immune system consequences. If you read this
article you will be scared, or convinced, hopefully both.
But I know you're busy, so here's the summary of the
above and others:
- During sleep the bulk of your naturally
occurring human growth hormone (HGH) is released. This aids in
muscle repair, which also occurs primarily while you sleep.
- Sleep allows your brain to recover and
organize and make sense of your day/life.
- 7-8 hours is normal in adults, 9-10 in
teens, 10+ in younger folk. Add time for activity.
- With a complete lack of sleep, most people
would die in ten days or less.
With inadequate sleep, re: not enough or disturbed
through multiple interruptions, loud ambient noises, sleep apnea, or
your beautiful new baby :-) the following slowly results:
- Less
HGH than maximum is produced, resulting in incomplete muscle
repair and testosterone reduction, meaning less muscle and more
fat on your frame.
- Mood,
judgement, and coordination are all negatively impacted
- Time
to fatigue is decreased (you get tired more quickly)
- Perceived
exertion is increased (things feel harder than your physiology
- Heat
management is impacted
- The
stress hormone cortisol level increases (this is bad)
- Reduction
in insulin sensitivity (re: increase in insulin resistance -
also bad)
- Inflammation
in your body increases, which has a long term correlation with
- Increased
appetite and associated weight gain
- Immune
system is compromised; you become sick easier
- Long
term: linked with diabetes, obesity, heart disease, falling
asleep at the wheel, and in general, dying before your should.
There are a few other points but this covers the bulk
of them as related to athletics. You need your sleep. If you're
currently too busy to get your sleep, then you owe it to yourself and
your loved ones to unbusy yourself, improve your time management, and
get to bed on time.
Marty Gaal, CSCS,, is a USA Triathlon coach. He has
been working with endurance athletes since 2002 and is the co-founder
of One Step Beyond. He loves naps.
The OSB racing team took 2nd in the team division at
Pittsboro Reindeer Run
Angela Respecki runs the Honolulu Marathon
Larkin runs the Jingle all the Way 5k
We had a great holiday season and are ready to race in 2016!
OSB coaching programs

One Step Beyond offers
customized individual endurance training programs to triathletes,
runners, and swimmers throughout the year. Our most popular
ongoing program is called Basic Steps coaching.
If you want a
great schedule but don't feel the need for extensive interaction
during the training cycle, this is the plan for you. Our coaches will
create a professional training plan designed around your specific
goals and constraints, with adjustments along the way as needed. Your
coach will be available to you via email or text, which we check and
respond to Monday thru Friday.
The initial
interview is conducted by phone, and all ongoing coaching is
accomplished through Training Peaks software and email support. You
will receive:
- Annual Training Plan
- A weekly
schedule with specific daily workouts
Group training sessions
- Ongoing email support for all questions (client initiated)
- Race day pacing and nutrition advice
- Necessary adjustments of your schedule
- Regular feedback from your coach
- 20% discount on additional personal training and consulting
- A Trainingpeaks training account
Powerstroke: Speed through force and form DVD 
Powerstroke® is Coach Marty Gaal's method for
teaching competitive freestyle swimming technique to adult
triathletes and open water racers. The Powerstroke® DVD was
specifically developed for adult swimmers looking to improve their
swim speed in triathlon, open water racing, and distance pool events.

- A
concept designed to teach the integral relationship between good
form and the application of force when swimming
- A
specific drill you can include in your daily workouts
- A
stroke form that will help you torpedo your way to a PR finish
- A
way of swimming
The Powerstroke®: Speed through force and
form DVD includes:
- 40
minute lecture: What is Powerstroke?
- 25
minute general freestyle swim technique analysis: The three
types of freestyle stroke mechanics and how to progress to the
strongest: High elbow catch / early vertical forearm
- 25
minute Powerstroke freestyle swimming technique in-depth
- 1
hour of seven key drills and detailed descriptions
- 4
minute stretching and dryland exercise video
Purchase your copy here!
OSB premade training programs are for athletes who
would like to follow a well made training plan, but don't require
ongoing coaching.
One Step Beyond currently offers:
16 week Half-Ironman 70.3 Triathlon Training Plan - $79.99
16 week Olympic distance triathlon training plan - $69.95
Intermediate 10 week Olympic distance triathlon training plan -
Beginner 16 week Olympic distance triathlon training
plan - $69.95
Beginner 10 week Olympic distance triathlon training
plan - 49.95
Intermediate 10 week sprint triathlon training plan - $59.95
Beginner 16 week sprint triathlon triathlon training plan - $69.95
Beginner 10k run in 10 weeks training program - $44.99
Swim workout of the month
This month's swim workout focuses on endurance.
You can mix in some skills work or stroke at various points.
6 x 50 kick on sides, back, normal, repeat on :15
6 x 100 pull descend 1-3 on :15
Main set on about :10 rest per 100
Stroke swimmers could do the 200s or 100s stroke or
IM. Optional paddles throughout.
Distance swimmers could start with a 500 to add 1,500
more to the set.
Our Sponsors
to the following organizations, that provide service and support to
One Step Beyond athletes.
Marty, Bri, and Daniel
One Step
© 2015. All Rights Reserved.
